New Local Plan
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New Local Plan
1.4 How should Southend develop in the future in seeking to deliver 18,000 - 24,000 new homes and 10,000 - 12,000 new jobs, please select from one of the options stating your reasoning.
Representation ID: 3835
Received: 10/04/2019
Respondent: Anglian Water
Anglian Water is the sewerage undertaker for the Southend on Sea Council area.
We do not have a preference relating to the housing growth options which should be pursued for the Southend on Sea Local Plan area. However there is a need to consider further the implications for Anglian Water’s existing water recycling infrastructure dependant upon the preferred option or combination of options for the Southend on Sea Plan area.
Thanks for your help with this. Please find attached Anglian Water’s comments relating to the most recent consultation.
New Local Plan
7. How best do we ensure healthy communities and development is appropriate and of a quality design, whilst ensuring we enhance our built heritage assets
Representation ID: 3836
Received: 10/04/2019
Respondent: Anglian Water
Reference is made to the provision of Sustainable Drainage Systems forming part of development proposals which is fully supported.
Anglian Water support a requirement in the New Local Plan for applicants to include the provision of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) so as not to increase flood risk and to reduce flood risk where possible. The use of SuDS would help to reduce the risk of surface water and sewer flooding.
We would also ask that SuDs are considered as an early stage in the design process so that these are of suitable standard and are an integral part of the development.
We are happy to support the Southend on Sea Local Plan Team on the preparation of policy wording relevant to Anglian Water prior to the next formal stage of the preparation of the Local Plan. This would include a number of the issues identified – delivery of water recycling infrastructure improvements required to support growth and regeneration and managing water quality and flood risk.
Thanks for your help with this. Please find attached Anglian Water’s comments relating to the most recent consultation.
New Local Plan
8.5 Do you have any other issues/comments
Representation ID: 3837
Received: 10/04/2019
Respondent: Anglian Water
We note that reference is made to a lack of capacity within combined sewers for additional foul flows within the public sewerage network managed by Anglian Water.
There is an established process for funding and delivery of new and improved water recycling infrastructure by Anglian Water and through developer charges.
As you may be aware Water and sewerage companies including Anglian Water prepare business plans on a 5 year investment cycle. Customer charges will be set following submissions from Anglian Water about what it will cost to deliver the business plan. Anglian Water’s business plan for the next Asset Management Plan period (2020 to 2025) and submitted in August 2018 to our regulator Ofwat.
We have recently published a Water Recycling Long Term Plan (WRLTP) which sets out a long term strategy to identify the need for further investment by Anglian Water at existing water recycling centres or within foul sewerage catchments to accommodate the anticipated scale and timing of growth in the company area. This document has been used to inform future business plans including the business plan which has been submitted for 2020 to 2025.
We have considered a range of solutions within sewer catchment or at the Water Recycling Centre to accommodate further growth as part of this plan. WRC upgrades will not be the most appropriate solution in all cases, we will assess what solution resolves the need whilst providing the best value for money for our customers.
Anglian Water’s final business plan is expected to approved by our regulator Ofwat in December 2019.
The expectation is that investment for water recycling centres will be subject to the outcome of business planning process. It will also be reviewed on annual basis taking account of the proposed scale and timing of development in specific catchments. As such we would consider any additional growth identified in the Council’s new Local Plan.
Anglian Water as a sewerage company seeks fair contributions through charges directly from developers under the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991 to drain a site effectively. As such we would not, in most cases, make use of planning obligations or standard charges under Planning Legislation for this purpose.
Charging mechanisms have recently been simplified, with most companies now introducing a standard charge for all new dwellings which will be used to fund water supply and foul sewerage network improvements. Further information relating to the current developer charges is available to view at the following address:
We would ask that Southend on Sea Council considers the published WRLTP together with other relevant technical evidence as part of the preparation of the New Local Plan.
In the event that Southend on Sea Council intends to commission further technical evidence relating to Anglian Water’s existing water recycling infrastructure we would wish to be involved in the scoping process to avoid potential duplication. As such we welcome further discussions with Southend on Sea Council on this topic.
Thanks for your help with this. Please find attached Anglian Water’s comments relating to the most recent consultation.
New Local Plan
9. How best do we protect and enhance our environment in the face of increasing growth and development pressures
Representation ID: 3838
Received: 10/04/2019
Respondent: Anglian Water
We note that reference is made to working with stakeholders to ensure protect and enhance the natural environment including through biodiversity net gain which is supported.
We would suggest consideration be given to natural capital as well as biodiversity net gain and how this could be delivered potentially with other South Essex authorities and stakeholders e.g. natural capital investment plan.
Thanks for your help with this. Please find attached Anglian Water’s comments relating to the most recent consultation.
New Local Plan
10. How best do we plan for the future impacts of climate change
Representation ID: 3839
Received: 10/04/2019
Respondent: Anglian Water
There is a need to consider the increased risk of flooding to the public sewerage network from significant rainfall events as well as energy generation etc.
Please also see response to Question 7.
Thanks for your help with this. Please find attached Anglian Water’s comments relating to the most recent consultation.
New Local Plan
12. How best do you think the Local Plan can be effectively delivered in the face of limited resources
Representation ID: 3840
Received: 10/04/2019
Respondent: Anglian Water
Anglian Water as a sewerage company seeks fair contributions through charges directly from developers under the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991 to drain a site effectively. As such we would not, in most cases, make use of planning obligations or standard charges under Planning Legislation for this purpose.
Anglian Water is actively contributes to partnership funding in relation to flood risk were there is a clear benefit to our customers.
Thanks for your help with this. Please find attached Anglian Water’s comments relating to the most recent consultation.