New Local Plan

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New Local Plan

6.5 How do you think technologies such as the internet, electric and driverless cars will affect how we travel by 2038

Representation ID: 3720

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

It is like that travel will get smarter and they way users access public transport will change. the use of app and web based systems are already changing how people book taxis and pay for travel. Depending on how technology change. if driverless cars become mainstream it is possible that car ownership will reduce and people will book a car via a mobile device, the car will arrive in a few minutes and when the passengers are dropped off the car will go to the next job. depending on what technology takes over from the internal combustion engine EV charging point may be required on all streets and a network across the borough.


New Local Plan

7.1 Continue to promote improved and new areas of public realm. Do you think priorities should be established as to where this should take place

Representation ID: 3721

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

Easy access to good quality public realm is important to people’s health and wellbeing. Some areas of the town have little or no access to public space and other areas have poor streetscapes. Priority should be given to creating new public realm, including green spaces in areas that are deficient. In addition to new public realm, existing areas that are not fit for purpose or in decline should be prioritised for improvement. In developing priorities the protection of the existing amount of public realm, including green space should be included.


New Local Plan

7.2 Require high quality landscape design and tree planting in new developments. Do you think priorities should be established as to which areas of the borough should be subject to streetscape upgradi

Representation ID: 3722

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

All areas of the borough should have high quality streetscapes allowing residence to enjoy the space in which they live and develop a sense of community. It is important that areas that have little or no landscaping are prioritised. It is also important that developments contain high quality soft landscaping suitable for the area. Trees are important to both the streetscape and the local environment. However, good quality planting including grass and shrubs can be just as beneficial and in most cases better than a tree in the wrong location.


New Local Plan


Representation ID: 3723

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

Our streets need to be active an inviting, food outlets are part of this offer. Fast Food can be healthy and the outlets can be beneficial to the local area. The issue with food outlet close to locations where children congregate is not fast food but junk food. Limiting junk food outlets, including the sale of sweets, chocolate crisps and high sugar drinks in these locations could be a benefit to healthy living. Encouraging mixed use outlets that engage with the community and offer a range of activities and healthy on the go food would be a benefit to both the town and the health of young people.


New Local Plan

7.4 Do you believe there are additional areas that should be protected as Conservation Areas

Representation ID: 3724

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

It is important that the individual character of the different locations in the borough are respected and those indemnities taken in to account in any development. History, and character are important but it is also essential that areas are able to evolve and meet the changing needs of the communities. Therefore, additional conservation areas may not be a benefit to the town.


New Local Plan

7.5 Do you have any other issues/ comments

Representation ID: 3726

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

Development of the town should meet the changing needs of residents, business and communities. To support this, the use of co-design posses should be used by those wishing to build and develop in the borough.

Private outdoor space is important to individual health and wellbeing. Where this is not possible communal outdoor spaces, could be a substitute. A home zone, a living street which are designed primarily to meet the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, children and residents and where the speeds and dominance of the cars is reduced, would be a benefit to local communities, providing opportunities for play and social interaction and an increase of soft landscaping within the streetscape. The adoption of home zones could also be a benefit to health and reduce local air pollution.

The protection of existing public space, especially parks, gardens and play areas is important to the health of those who live, work and visit the borough.

Softening the look of the streetscape by encouraging the use of green driveways would not only benefit the look of the area it would have an impact on surface water including water retention and help reduce urban heat islands.


New Local Plan

8.2 How do you consider that health issues should be addressed in the Local Plan. How can new development encourage healthy lifestyles

Representation ID: 3729

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

Providing public green spaces, streets with soft landscaping and informal recreational opportunities, including play facilities, could help with a healthy lifestyles


New Local Plan

8.3 Should we require open space and play areas as part of new development schemes. Do you think in appropriate cases this could be provided in an offsite location

Representation ID: 3731

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

Green spaces and play areas along with other informal recreational facilities should be included in developments.

the first option should be to include these within the development. However, offsite provision could be considered in some cases.


New Local Plan

8.4 As part of planning approvals should we ensure that all developments deliver quality broadband infrastructure and connectivity

Representation ID: 3732

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

Yes. Connectivity is impotent to modem life for both works and leisure.


New Local Plan

9.1 Work with other stakeholders, funding bodies and developers to identify opportunities to promote and enhance the natural environment, and incorporate net gains for biodiversity in new development

Representation ID: 3736

Received: 02/04/2019

Respondent: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council - Parks and Open Spaces

Representation Summary:

It is important that we have no net loss of biodiversity in the borough. Due to its dense urban nature even road side verges in our residential streets are important to the towns biodiversity.

The local plan should adopt a biodiversity calculator and offset for all developments.

the design of development should enhance and encourage biodiversity.

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