Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

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Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

1.1 The Status of this Guide

Representation ID: 184

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.


Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

1.1 The Status of this Guide

Representation ID: 185

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.


Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

3.12 Biodiversity

Representation ID: 186

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.


Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance & Thames Gateway

Representation ID: 187

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.


Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment

Representation ID: 188

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.


Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design

Representation ID: 189

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.


Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

1.5 How to Use the Guide

Representation ID: 190

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.


Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

2.1 Overview of Southend-on-Sea Borough

Representation ID: 191

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.


Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features

Representation ID: 192

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural england recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.


Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

2.3.4 Streetscene

Representation ID: 193

Received: 05/06/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process.

Full text:

A) Summary
Much of the content of this document accords with Natural England's aspirations for the built environment. There are two main points:
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to guide the ensuing master-planing process. We note that these are finally mentioned as a possibility in 6.5 but not as a requirement, as many other councils are requiring, either for all development sites or at least for key sites that require a masterplan. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGSt standards to determine the size and nature of new open spaces.
The ANGSt standards as currently defined and recommended for adoption in PPG17 are:
Every home should be within 300m of an accessible natural greenspace of at least 2ha plus.
At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km
At least one accessible 100ha site within 5km
At least one accessible 500ha site within 10km
The original English Nature ANGSt model also included provision of at least 1ha Local Nature Reserve/1000 population.
Natural England would also like to see a clearer statement regarding Southend's 'Greengrid' to which the document refers. This seems to be merely an aspiration rather than a strategy and it is unclear how this fits with delivery of the South Essex Greengrid Strategy.
B) Specific comments
1.3.2 Commitment to Urban Renaissance and Thames Gateway
12. Natural England welcomes the recognition of the need to identify and enhance sense of place.
13. Natural England assisted the development of the CABE Design Pact and welcomes its proposed use.
1.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
Create a 'Green Grid' of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town, linked to the rest of the sub-region as appropriate - Natural England would welcome clarification as to how this will be achieved.
Protect and enhance both the natural and leisure environment and setting of the River Thames - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
Provide for the effective management of land on the urban fringe - the interface between town and country - to provide an effective community resource and setting that enhances and protects the Metropolitan Green Belt - Natural England welcomes this statement of the Council's commitment.
1.3.5 Commitment to Good Design
Natural England commends the use of Concept Statements as a quick, effective and participatory tool to produce the basic development principles for individual sites to be used in the ensuing planning process for example to guide the master-planning process. We would be happy to provide further information on this.
1.5 How to Use the Guide
24. The Building for Life Standards are good but are not necessarily quantitative enough.
2.1 Overview of Southend on Sea Borough
30. These are excellent aspirations. Concept statements for individual sites would assist in ensuring that they are achieved.
2.2.2 Topography and Natural Features
34. Natural England recommends the adoption of ANGst standards so that an appropriate amount and type of greenspace is incorporated into new developments. We also would wish to see that every effort is made by new developments to create/enhance linkages from this greenspace to those in adjoining sites and the wider countryside i.e contributing to Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid principles.
2.3 The Design Concept
The aspirations in this section are excellent; but very lengthy and may not always be achievable. A concept statement produced quickly easily and cheaply at the very outset of the planning process can provide that essential set of development principles to guide any ensuing process. Public Realm and Urban Design
Public Open Space
113. Natural England would wish to see more definitive wording than 'meaningful area', 'large enough' etc - ideally through the adoption of ANGSt standards.
116. In addition to the requirements stated in this section, Natural england would also wish to see aspirations to provide links to adjacent greenspaces in order to assist delivery of Thames Gateway South Essex Greengrid.
3.12 Biodiversity
182, 183 184 and 185 Natural England welcomes this section.
5.1.3 Landscaping
Soft Landscaping
269. In addition to seeking to 'plug the gaps between the borough's existing habitat links and greenways', provision of greenspace should wherever possible contribute to the Greengrid.
270. It is essential that management and financing of landscaping and biodiversity areas is planned in to the proposals from an early stage.
5.2.1 Amenity Space
It is regrettable that no minimum standards for this have been included.
6.5 Planning Briefs, Design Briefs, Concept Statements and Masterplans.
480. Natural England commends the possible use of concept statements but would prefer a policy which made them a requirement at least for sites requiring a masterplan, if not for all development sites.

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