Southend Central Area Action Plan

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Southend Central Area Action Plan

If not what have we missed?

Representation ID: 1137

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.


Southend Central Area Action Plan

Are there further opportunities which could be explored and developed through this Area Action Plan?

Representation ID: 1138

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.


Southend Central Area Action Plan

Do you consider that these Objectives for the Area Action Plan reflect the challenges and opportunities in the Central Area having regard to national and local priorities for the Borough?

Representation ID: 1139

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.


Southend Central Area Action Plan

Do you agree that the Evaluation Criteria set out above are the right ones to test the overarching Spatial Options?

Representation ID: 1140

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.


Southend Central Area Action Plan

Will the above Strategy for development, urban design and built form deliver the concept of the City by the Sea?

Representation ID: 1141

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.


Southend Central Area Action Plan

Will the above Strategy for development, urban design and built form deliver the concept of the City by the Sea?

Representation ID: 1142

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Section 6
We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.


Southend Central Area Action Plan

17c - Should there be a suite of policies in the submission version of this Plan relating to the particular challenges and opportunities presented by the regeneration and growth ambitions for the central area?

Representation ID: 1143

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.


Southend Central Area Action Plan

18d - The Plan should express the need to significantly reduce carbon emissions in line with or above government and any locally agreed targets

Representation ID: 1144

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.


Southend Central Area Action Plan

18f - All new development and refurbishments should employ the principles of SUDS which provide an alternative approach to managing runoff from buildings and hard standings.

Representation ID: 1145

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.


Southend Central Area Action Plan

Do you agree that the Core Strategy DPD provides sufficient policy guidance at this stage with regard to flood risk?

Representation ID: 1146

Received: 26/10/2010

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.

Full text:

Central Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

Thank you for offering us the opportunity to comment on the above consultation document earlier this year. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for consultation responses due to work prioritisation. We are now in the position to be able to offer you comment on this document that might assist you in the production of future iterations.

Option Box 1

You have failed to recognise flood risk and climate change as a key challenge that could be addressed through this AAP. You need to consider all risks of flooding which are identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan. These background studies form a key part of your evidence base and must support the formulation of policies within this document and in your Core Strategy review.

Option Box 2

Specific policies in this AAP could help in achieving leisure and tourism aspirations in the central seafront areas whilst improving the flood defence infrastructure affording protection to the whole town. New development can provide opportunities for the incorporation of innovative flood defences into the design of the development. This would not only afford protection to the development, but could also make better use of the riverfront areas. The TE2100 Plan provides a vision for this area where improvements to the flood risk management system provide amenity, recreation and environmental enhancement. This could also positively contribute to the Thames Gateway Parklands vision.

Development should also improve and enhance biodiversity and the natural environment. For example, where flood defences are to be redesigned or improved as part of a development, their design can add to the ecological value of the area. Setting back defences in some areas could also allow for foreshore habitat enhancement or recreation to mitigate for the impacts of coastal squeeze brought about by climate change.

Option Box 3

Flood risk and water efficiency are two issues that could be incorporated into objective 4.

Option Box 4

Additional evaluation criteria that could be included in "Public realm and Movement" are "improve biodiversity/the natural environment" and "improve urban drainage" (where the Water Cycle Study/SFRA or Surface Water Management Plan indicate that this should be achieved.

Option Box 6

You will need to ensure that all sources of flood risk identified in your updated SFRA, Water Cycle Study and in the future by your Surface Water Management Plan are taken into consideration in the further development of this option.

Section 6

We are pleased to see that the proposed land uses and visions for those areas subject to tidal flood risk are compatible with the flood risk posed. No more or highly vulnerable development appears to be proposed in these areas.

Option Box 17

We would advise that the Development Management DPD covers all development, including that covered by this AAP (please see our response to that DPD). If higher standards are to be sought then specific policies in this AAP would be acceptable.

Option Box 18

We agree with the inclusion of options d-f.

Option Box 22

This will depend very much on the findings of the SFRA review, Water Cycle Strategy and Surface Water Management Plan currently being produced. The proposed Development Management DPD also provides additional clarification on some points. We will be in a position to advise further following the completion of the studies currently being undertaken.

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