Development Management - Proposed Submission

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Development Management - Proposed Submission


Representation ID: 1182

Received: 28/04/2011

Respondent: Colonnade Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Full representations submitted by email and post. Please see hard copy and 'Attachment' section of the JDI system for full text. However, in summary, as the changes to the planning system continue to emerge, it is important that the DMDPD maintains sufficient flexibility to respond to future changes in national policy direction.

The reliance on the development of central brownfield sites for high density development will not deliver what the market, or residents of Southend, require. The resolution of many of these issues needs to be addressed in the early review of the Core Strategy. CLLLP looks forward to making a positive contribution to the early review of the Core Strategy.

Full text:

Full representations submitted by email and post. However, in summary, as the changes to the planning system continue to emerge, it is important that the DMDPD maintains sufficient flexibility to respond to future changes in national policy direction.

The reliance on the development of central brownfield sites for high density development will not deliver. The resolution of many of these issues needs to be addressed in the early review of the Core Strategy. CLLLP looks forward to making a positive contribution to the early review of the Core Strategy.



Development Management - Proposed Submission


Representation ID: 1183

Received: 28/04/2011

Respondent: Colonnade Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Please see hard copy and 'Attachment' section of the JDI system for full text.

The potential of Southend, including Southend airport, cannot be fully realised without extensive new highway and public transport infrastructure and accordingly, CLLLP is promoting an extension of Southend to enable the delivery of significant improvements to the strategic transport network. In particular, CLLLP has identified the potential for the development at The Wick, Bournes Green, which is capable of delivery in the short term, and can provide private and affordable family housing alongside contributions to the improvement of the strategic transport network.

Full text:

The full representations are set out in the letter sent by email and post.


Development Management - Proposed Submission


Representation ID: 1184

Received: 28/04/2011

Respondent: Colonnade Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Please see hard copy and 'Attachment' section of the JDI system for full text.

Paragraph 1.24 indicates that the Council is seeking to plan for a time when the economy recovers in the long term, rather than seeking to address matters arising in the short term, which includes the need to provide improvements to the strategic transport infrastructure network, as well as the timely delivery of family housing to meet the needs of the local population. As such it is important that the wording clarifies the need for short term planning.

Full text:

Please refer to letter submitted by email and post for full representation. However, in summary:

CLLLP is concerned that paragraph 1.24 is worded in such a way as to indicate that the Council is seeking to plan for a time when the economy recovers in the long term. As these matters include the need to provide improvements to the strategic transport infrastructure network, CLLLP considers it is important that the wording of paragraph 1.24 clarifies this point for the avoidance of doubt.


Development Management - Proposed Submission

Policy DM2 - Low Carbon Development and Efficient Use of Resources

Representation ID: 1185

Received: 28/04/2011

Respondent: Colonnade Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Please see hard copy and 'Attachment' section of the JDI system for full text.

The aims and aspirations of the Council in seeking to secure low carbon development and the efficient use of resources are supported by CLLLP. However, there are tensions between the wording of Policy DM2 and the introductory text, in particular paragraph 2.14, which confirms that the Council will apply exceptions where it has been demonstrated that the requirements are not viable or feasible. This proposed flexibility is not reflected in DM2.

Full text:

Full representations can be seen within the letter submitted by email and post.

There are considered to be tensions between the wording of Policy DM2 and the introductory text, in particular paragraph 2.14.

In light of changes to the definitions contained within the Code for Sustainable Homes, the importance of ensuring the DMDPD does not simply repeat the requirements of other legislation.


Development Management - Proposed Submission

Policy DM3 - The Efficient and Effective Use of Land

Representation ID: 1186

Received: 28/04/2011

Respondent: Colonnade Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Please see hard copy and 'Attachment' section of the JDI system for full text.

In response to previous representations on classification of backland and infill land in PPS3, the Council referred to the retention of the target and trajectory for delivery of residential development on PDL.

Announcements from Government have confirmed removal of the national minimum target for delivery of residential development on PDL. This relaxation of national targets provides local authorities with freedom to plan for growth to provide the type of housing required by local residents. These factors in combination provide the necessary basis for wholesale review of the development strategy.

Full text:

Full representations are submitted by letter in email and post. However, in summary:

In response to previous representations regarding to the classification of backland and infill land in PPS3, the Council referred to the retention of the target and trajectory for delivery of residential development on previously-developed land.

Recent announcements from the Government have confirmed the removal of the national minimum target for the delivery of residential development on PDL. This relaxation of national targets provides local authorities with the freedom to plan for growth.


Development Management - Proposed Submission


Representation ID: 1187

Received: 28/04/2011

Respondent: Colonnade Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Please see hard copy and 'Attachment' section of the JDI system for full text.

This section fails to adequately address concerns of local high levels of traffic congestion, arising from the pressure on existing transport infrastructure and the high levels of out-commuting. By creating a closer link between the DMDPD and the LTP through more meaningful cross-references, there is a greater prospect of achieving the necessary improvements to the strategic transport infrastructure network. Alongside this, reference should be made to the Councils intentions regarding CIL, to ensure all future development provides for improvements to the strategic transport network.

Full text:

Full Representation can be seen in the letter submitted by email and post. However, in summary:

this section fails to adequately address the concerns of the local high levels of traffic congestion, arising from the pressure on existing transport infrastructure and the high levels of out-commuting.


Development Management - Proposed Submission

Policy DM2 - Low Carbon Development and Efficient Use of Resources

Representation ID: 1427

Received: 28/04/2011

Respondent: Colonnade Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Please see hard copies and 'Attachment' section on the JDI system for full text.

DM DPD should not simply repeat the requirements of other legislation and not include policies that date it quickly upon adoption, particularly regarding changes to the definition of the Code for Sustainable Homes. CLLLP considers that the policy should be less prescriptive.

Full text:

Full representations can be seen within the letter submitted by email and post.

There are considered to be tensions between the wording of Policy DM2 and the introductory text, in particular paragraph 2.14.

In light of changes to the definitions contained within the Code for Sustainable Homes, the importance of ensuring the DMDPD does not simply repeat the requirements of other legislation.

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