Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) - Schedule of Modifications to the Revised Proposed Submission
(6) Proposed Schedule of Modification to the Revised Proposed Submission Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) (November 2016)
These main modifications have been proposed by the Inspector in order to ensure that the SCAAP is sound and legally compliant.
Table 1: Schedule of Main Modifications to the SCAAP
Ref |
Page |
Policy/ Paragraph |
Main Modification |
(1) Main 1 |
12 |
29 |
New Strategic Objective (6):INSERTED: To support the viability and vitality of the town centre, so that it remains the first preference for all forms of retail development and for other town centre uses attracting large numbers of people and creates an environment that encourages investment in the Central Area. |
(2) Main 2 |
20 |
DS1.1 |
Add after National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) the following: INSERTED:so that the town centre remains the first preference for all forms of retail development and for other town centre uses attracting large numbers of people to support the centre’s viability and vitality and encourage investment. |
20 |
DS1.2 |
Insert new section (3) and renumber subsequent sections: INSERTED: New retail or any other development must not be detrimental to those living or working nearby, for example by causing undue noise or disturbance. |
(2) Main 4 |
42 |
Para 135 |
Change text as follows:DELETED: The Study identifies around 2,550 INSERTED:There are 3,142 publicly available INSERTED:paid for car parking spaces to the south of the Central Area, INSERTED:within approximately 10 minutes’ walk from the shoreline INSERTED: (see Appendix 9) , serving both the seafront and southern parts of the Southend Central Area. INSERTED:2,562 of these spaces are located in publicly available key visitor car parks (Table 5). As a result of the peak capacity issues, as identified by the Study, and to support the vitality and viability of the central seafront area, it is expected that there will be no net loss of DELETED: public INSERTED:key visitor car parking to the south of the Central Area. Given….. |
(2) Main 5 |
42 |
136 |
Amend first bullet point as follows: ensure there is no net loss in INSERTED:key visitor car parking to the south of the Central Area INSERTED: (for the purposes of policy DS5.2.b, these are the key visitor car parks (Table 5) located within 10 minutes’ walk of the shoreline INSERTED: (see Map 4) DELETED: and generally located south of the central railway line)….. |
(2) Main 6 |
43 |
After para 136 |
Insert new paragraph and renumber subsequent paragraphs: INSERTED:Development proposals that come forward on key visitor car parking areas to the south of the Central Area (as defined by Map 4) will need to ensure that there is no net loss within the key visitor car parks as identified in the SCAAP (policy DS5.2.b) and Table 5. Any planning application would need to be accompanied by a detailed transport assessment that would include an analysis of the impact of the additional parking demand generated by the proposed development on the identified key visitor car parks, having regard to adopted parking standards, linked/combined existing trips, availability of parking in other convenient locations, and opportunities for further mode shift through the travel plan process. Any change in parking provision as a result of major redevelopment must not undermine the resort’s ability to accommodate visitor trips, recognising the peaks and troughs of demand for car parking. |
(3) Main 7 |
43 |
After Main 6 |
Insert new Table 5, which identifies all the key visitor car parks within the area defined by Map 4, to include both the parking spaces within the individual car parks and the cumulative total. As per Table 5 set out in Examination Document EXSCAAP039. INSERTED: Table 5: Key Visitor Car Parks to the south of the Central Area within the area identified by Map 4*
(2) Main 8 |
43 |
After Main 7 |
Insert new Map 4, as set out on page 5 of Examination Document EXSCAAP039, which identifies the 10 minute walking distance isochrones from the foreshore, within which policy DS5.2.b is operational. Update numbering of all subsequent maps. See Appendix A. |
(4) Main 9 |
45 |
DS5.2.b |
Delete existing text and replace with the following: DELETED: Ensure that there is no net loss in car parking to the south of the Southend Central Area INSERTED: Require any development proposals that come forward on key visitor car parking areas in the south of the Southend Central Area (as identified in Table 5 and Map 4) to ensure that there is no loss of key visitor car parking; any planning application in these areas would need to be accompanied by a detailed transport assessment that would include an analysis of the impact of the additional parking demand generated by the proposed development on the identified key visitor car parks, having regard to: (i) Adopted parking standards; (ii) Consideration of the extent to which linked/combined trips and opportunities for further mode shift through the travel plan process will reduce the need for additional publicly available car parking spaces; (iii) Availability of parking to the south of the Central Area within the area shown in Map 4; and (iv) The need for any replacement parking to be provided within the area shown in Map 4, where it should be secured through a planning condition or obligation as part of the overall development scheme or through another means acceptable to the Council. |
(2) Main 10 |
71 |
PA7.3.ii |
Amend policy PA7.3.ii as follows: Any development of the Opportunity Site should address a need for replacement car parking provision in line with policy DS5: Transport, Access and Public Realm, identifying how any displaced parking needs are to be met on the site or in INSERTED: the south of the Central Area DELETED: this part of the town centre and explore the potential for relocating the travel centre on the northern extent of the site where applicable to provide for enhanced passenger transport facilities and improved pedestrian connectivity to the town centre and Central Railway Station. |
(2) Main 11 |
72 |
Section 5.9 Aims, para 3 |
Insert at end of para 3: INSERTED: Car parking will be addressed within this integrated approach to development, which combines with other objectives for the policy area, and contributes to the vitality and viability of the central seafront area. |
74 |
CS1.1.f |
Amend policy CS1.1.f as follows: f. DELETED: seek to maintain foreshore views by restricting INSERTED: not normally permit development south of the sea wall INSERTED: where a proposal has the potential to adversely affect a European site or cause significant harm to a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or adversely impact on foreshore views. Any proposed use will also have to be water-compatible as defined in the Planning Practice Guidance; |
(1) Main 13 |
75 |
CS1.3.d |
Amend Policy CS1.3.d as follows: use creative lighting and public art to strengthen identity and connectivity. INSERTED: New lighting should be arranged so as to avoid direct illumination of the foreshore or excessive glare when viewed from the foreshore; |
77 |
200 |
Amend third sentence of paragraph as follows: All future activity and development will need to ensure that they do not adversely affect the interests of the nature conservation designations on the foreshoreINSERTED:, giving appropriate weight to their importance as an international, European, national or locally designated sites. |
78 |
205 |
Insert new paragraph after paragraph 205, and renumber subsequent paragraphs, as follows: INSERTED: Development which adversely affects a site of national importance (SSSI) will not normally be permitted. In cases where an adverse effect on the special interest of the SSSI is considered to be likely, but the benefits of the development are shown to clearly outweigh both the impacts on the special features of the site and any broader impact on the wider network of SSSIs, an exception may be made. Consultation may be required with Natural England. INSERTED: Locally designated sites (local nature reserves and local wildlife sites) are non-statutory but have an important role to play in meeting overall biodiversity targets and contributing to the public enjoyment of nature conservation. |
78 |
CS2.1.b |
Amend policy CS2.1.b as follows: Not permit development proposals that will INSERTED: result in significant harm to DELETED: have an adverse impact, either directly or indirectly, on the foreshore designations INSERTED: that cannot be avoided (through locating on an alternative site with less harmful impacts), adequately mitigated, or, as a last resort, compensated for. Development proposals must not undermine the special features, integrity or conservation objectives of the foreshore designations; |
78 |
CS2.1.c |
Amend policy CS2.1.c as follows: INSERTED: Not permit development proposals that adversely affect a site of national importance (SSSI). In cases where an adverse effect on the special interest of a SSSI is considered likely, but the benefits of the development are shown to clearly outweigh both the impacts on the special features of the site and any broader impact on the wider network of SSSIs, an exception may be made. In cases where development proposals will result in significant harm to a SSSI, i DELETED: In exceptional circumstances INSERTED: the Council may make exceptions for development proposals on a DELETED: Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), only if it can be demonstrated that: i. there are no alternative solutions; and ii. the reasons for the development clearly outweigh the nature conservation value of the site and is in the public interest; |
80 |
CS3.2 |
Amend policy CS3.2 as follows: 2. Proposals for waterfront development within the Central Seafront Area and improved facilities will need to demonstrate that there will be no unacceptable impact upon navigation, DELETED: biodiversity INSERTED: the conservation objectives or features of Benfleet and Southend Marshes Special Protection Area, Ramsar and SSSI, flood risk or the special character and designations of the area. |
(1) Main 19 |
84 |
PA8.4.ii (Opportunity Site PA8.2) |
Add new second sentence, as follows: INSERTED: The tenure split and affordability of the proposed new accommodation will not preclude existing residents displaced by the redevelopment from being permanent occupiers in the new scheme. |
86 |
PA9.2, second line |
Amend as follows: redevelopment of this site to achieve a replacement INSERTED: or larger convenience store fronting Sutton Road that enhances the Secondary Shopping offer of this locality together with new residential accommodation. The façade of the current building fronting onto Sutton road must be retained and linked architecturally into any proposal. DELETED:The scheme should also incorporate amenity open space, urban greening and sustainability measures. Site access will be via Guildford Road. |
(1) Main 21 |
94 |
Implementation and Monitoring Table: Policy DS5 |
Amend third column (Monitoring Indicators and Targets) as follows: DS5.1 Providing the level of publicly available car parking provision to support the vitality and viability of the DELETED:c INSERTED: C entral DELETED:a INSERTED: A reaINSERTED:: - Keep car parking capacity, demand and traffic management provisions under review to ensure that this capacity remains at a level to support the vitality and viability of Southend Central Area. INSERTED:- Monitor the success in achieving no net loss of DELETED:permanent publicly available INSERTED:key visitor car parking INSERTED:(Table 5, 2,562 spaces) to the south of the DELETED:c INSERTED:C entral INSERTED:Area (Map 4) DELETED:railway line. INSERTED:- Monitor any net change in overall paid for public parking within Central Area South (3,142 spaces) as outlined in Appendix 9. As Core Strategy policy CP3. As Development Management policy DM15. |
(2) Main 22 |
113 |
Following Appendix 8 |
Insert new Appendix, as set out in page 7 of Examination Document EXSCAAP039, and label as follows: INSERTED:Appendix 9: Publically available paid for Parking to the South of the Central Area (area defined by Map 4)* See Appendix B. |
INSERTED:Appendix A – As Main 8, insert new Map, label as Map 4, and renumber subsequent maps:

INSERTED:Appendix B – As Main 22, add new Appendix, to follow Appendix 8, label as follows:
Appendix 9: Publically available paid for Parking to the South of the Central Area (area defined by Map 4)*
Publically available paid for Parking |
Number of Spaces* |
Within a 'Key Visitor Car Park |
Fairheads |
211 |
Yes |
Seaway |
478 |
Yes |
Royals** |
426 |
Yes |
Shorefield |
125 |
Yes |
York Road |
93 |
Yes |
Tylers |
249 |
Yes |
Alexander St |
74 |
Yes |
Clarence |
126 |
Yes |
Western Espl. Central |
585 |
Yes |
Western Espl. East On St |
128 |
Yes |
Eastern Espl. On St |
67 |
Yes |
Southend Central Station NCP** |
138 |
No |
Beach Rd** |
40 |
No |
Marine Plaza** |
67 |
No |
York Road. On St |
22 |
No |
Clifftown Rd. On St |
11 |
No |
Baltic Av. On St |
6 |
No |
Clarence Rd. On St |
16 |
No |
Clarence St. On St |
12 |
No |
Weston Rd. On St |
19 |
No |
Nelson St. On St |
18 |
No |
Capel Terrace. On St |
6 |
No |
Alexandra St. On St |
16 |
No |
Cambridge Rd. On St |
24 |
No |
Alexandra Rd. On St |
39 |
No |
Cashiobury Terrace. On St |
14 |
No |
Runwell Terrace. On St |
6 |
No |
Prittlewell Sq. On St |
43 |
No |
Royal Terrace. On St |
19 |
No |
Clifton Ter/Clifftown Pde. On St |
45 |
No |
Devereux Rd. On St |
19 |
No |
Total |
3,142 |
N/A |
* Base date May 2016
** Private Car Park
2.1 Minor modifications include factual updates, correction of spelling/grammatical errors, or to provide further clarity. These minor modifications are not required in order for the SCAAP to be made sound.
Table 2: Minor Modifications to the SCAAP
Ref. |
Page |
Policy/ Paragraph |
Minor Modification |
7 |
7 |
Amend paragraph as follows, add footnote and update numbering of all subsequent footnotes: It is also acknowledged that further work has been jointly undertaken to establish an objectively assessed needINSERTED: [4], in terms of jobs and housing, for Southend and surrounding housing market area. This will be a key evidence document in the preparation of the Southend Local Plan, which will set out new long term growth targets replacing those of the adopted Southend Core Strategy, including a review of unimplemented development sites within the SCAAP INSERTED: area. INSERTED: 4 Strategic Housing Market Assessment covering Basildon, Castle Point, Rochford, Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock authorities. |
(2) Minor 2 |
8 |
Context and Issues for the Southend Central Area (e) |
Amend (e) as follows: e. Tourism, Culture, Leisure and Recreation - Southend has a vibrant offer in terms of leisure, tourism and cultural facilities, enhanced in recent years by a number of successful new developments in the town centre and central seafront area. However, there is opportunity to further maximise Southend’s potential as a visitor destination and resort, particularly in terms of the evening economy and through encouraging overnight and longer stays INSERTED:by building on the resort’s success as a day visitor destination, and by creating a positive experience of the central area for visitors. |
11 |
24 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The latest assessment of the sustainability and the potential significant effects of this plan can be found in the SA ReportDELETED:, which is available for comment . |
(2) Minor 4 |
14 |
32 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The SCAAP establishes Policy Areas which, to varying extents, take on a new mixed-use sustainable character. Development within these Policy Areas will be appropriate to their context, either seeking to strengthen the existing competitive advantage of current uses, encourage a greater mix of uses or defining new roles, INSERTED:whilst protecting and enhancing its heritage assets, contributing to the regeneration of the identified opportunity sites as well as Southend Central Area as a whole. |
(2) Minor 5 |
17 |
43 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The retail sector is crucial to the health of the local economy in terms of its attraction to visitors, business and investment. The changing nature of the ‘High Street, facing competition from internet shopping, out-of-town retail parks and neighbouring centres, has impacted the level of trading in the Town Centre, and INSERTED:the quality of provision. There is consequently DELETED:there is a need to INSERTED:upgrade, enhance and broaden its offer and function to possibly further include other complimentary uses. INSERTED:The effective promotion and marketing of the town centre to potential new investors will be crucial to this process. |
18 |
48 |
Amend paragraph as follows: It is also important to understand that Southend’s town centre is perpendicular and well connected to the central seafront area. The central seafront area represents an important visitor destination in its own right, comprising a range of INSERTED:tourism and leisure uses, which together with the town centre supports a wider multifunctional Central Area within Southend that offers a unique and diverse visitor/ shopper experience. |
19 |
55 |
Amend paragraph as follows: In respect to Policy DS1. INSERTED:3DELETED:4 (a) vacant units could include units occupied for temporary or 'flexible’ uses, permitted through a temporary planning permission or under permitted development rights. |
19 |
56 |
Amend paragraph as follows: For the purposes of calculating the proportion of retail in any given frontage (in respect to policy DS1 point DELETED:4a INSERTED:3a, any building operating under a permitted ‘flexible use’ at the time of assessment will be considered on the basis of the use class it had prior to the temporary use change |
(2) Minor 9 |
20 |
Policy DS1.2 |
Amend Policy DS1.2 as follows: New retail development should be well integrated and closely linked with the Town Centre Primary Shopping Area, as defined on the Policies Map, in terms of proximity, continuity of function and ease of access. INSERTED:The Council will promote the town centre in seeking to upgrade and diversify its offer. |
21 |
Policy DS1.7 |
Amend Policy DS1.7 as follows: ProposalINSERTED:s for street marketDELETED:s development elsewhere within the Town Centre Primary Shopping Area will be considered on their merits. |
22 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend Policy Linkages box as follows:
(2) Minor 12 |
23 |
58 |
Amend 3rd sentence of paragraph as follows: While tourism remains a central pillar of Southend's employment base INSERTED:and has potential for growth, the creative and cultural sectors, aviation and medical technologies are all growing and INSERTED:also offer further potential for growth in the future. |
24 |
Policy Linkages |
Update Policy Linkages box for SCAAP policies as follows:
25 |
72 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The Core Strategy requires at least 2,474[9] net additional new dwellings to be provided within Southend Central Area during the period from 2001 to 2021. According to the Southend Annual Monitoring Report (AMR), between 2001 and 2016, 1,087 dwellings have been built within the Southend Central Area. An additional 1,732 net dwellings have been identified through Opportunity Sites and 1,040 of these have planning permission as of 1 April 2016. A further DELETED:434 INSERTED:425 dwellings have been identified by outstanding planning permissions located outside of the opportunity sites and are predicted to be delivered by 2021, see table 1 below. |
26 |
Table 1 |
Amend Table 1 as follows:
Committed = with planning permission or prior approval |
27 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend Policy Linkages box for SCAAP policies as follows:
(2) Minor 17 |
28 |
84 |
Amend paragraph as follows: This Plan seeks to DELETED:celebrate INSERTED: promote heritage and to conserve and enhance Southend Central Area’s heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance, with the emphasis on high quality design in all development proposals. Heritage assets INSERTED:contribute to the character of the town and are an important reminder of the town’s history and identity. They are INSERTED:also an important component of the tourist economy and play a crucial role in the identity INSERTED:of the townDELETED:making . Development Management Document Policy DM5: Southend-on-Sea’s Historic Environment sets out the local approach to the management of the historic environment within the Borough. |
(1) Minor 18 |
29 |
87 |
Amend paragraph as follows: There are a number of Conservation Areas within the Central Area, as depicted on the Policies MapINSERTED:, which contribute to its character and identity. These include: Prittlewell, Eastern Esplanade, The Kursaal, Clifftown, and Warrior Square. Each has its own unique character which must be conserved and enhancedINSERTED:, and consideration given to the contribution made by its setting. |
30 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend policy linkages box for SCAAP policies as follows:
31 |
99 |
Amend bullet points 2 and 4 as follows:
(1) Minor 21 |
34 |
Table 3 |
Amend Table 3 as follows: Table 3: Potential Locations for New Landmarks
34 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend policy linkages box for SCAAP policies as follows:
35 |
Table 4 |
Amend Table 4 as follows:
Amend first sentence of paragraph as follows: To address this, the Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan (2010) INSERTED:and Thames Estuary 2100 Plan establishDELETED:es an approach to hold the existing line of flood defence within the Central Area, which includes taking account of the effects of climate change. |
37 |
113 |
Amend first sentence of paragraph as follows: The Policies Map DELETED:does not does not depict the areas at risk of flooding. |
38 |
118 |
Amend paragraph as follows: SuDS should be designed in accordance with the DELETED:National Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (December 2011) INSERTED:Non-statutory technical standards for sustainable drainage systems (2015) and guidance in the SuDS Manual DELETED: (2007) INSERTED: (2015) published by Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA). |
38 |
121 |
Amend paragraph as follows: Developers are encouraged to consider the layout of their SuDS proposals prior to INSERTED:undertaking any other site masterplanningDELETED: is undertaken , and to discuss them with the Council, as SuDs have specific requirements for location and construction. |
40 |
124 |
Amend 2nd sentence of paragraph 124 as follows: Map INSERTED:5 DELETED:4 : SCAAP Car Parking, Access and Public Realm. |
41 |
129 |
Amend paragraph as follows: Improving signage will aid way-finding, promote ease of movement through Southend Central Area_ and should encourage more linked trips, highlighting linkages between the town centre and central seafront area, as well as between Southend Central Railway Station, Southend Victoria Railway Station and bus interchange, and the travel centre. INSERTED:They will also aid drivers in finding the most appropriate car park for their journey purpose and inform them of the availability of spaces. This will be particularly important for visitors to the town unfamiliar with the local road system. Map INSERTED:6 DELETED:5 : SCAAP Public Transport shows the public transport network within Southend Central Area. |
(1) Minor 30 |
47 - 48 |
Map 4, Map 5 |
Update Maps to reflect key visitor car parks in Southend Central Area. Refer to Appendix C. |
52 |
153 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The boundary of each Policy Area and Site Allocation can be viewed on the Policies Map and Map DELETED:6 INSERTED:7. |
52 |
154 |
Amend paragraph as follows: Any planning application proposed in the SCAAP area on any site would be determined on its meritINSERTED:s, taking into account adopted and emerging planning policies and any other material considerations. |
54 |
Map 6 |
Update numbering of Map as follows: Map DELETED:6 INSERTED:7 – SCAAP Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites |
56 |
PA1.4.d.i |
Amend policy PA1.4.d.i as follows: i. by a series of multi-level public spaces, including an upper level public piazza (as referred to in Policy Area CS1. INSERTED:3 DELETED:10 .b); |
Amend policy linkages box for SCAAP policies as follows:
57 |
London Road Policy Area: Aims |
Amend Aims as follows: This will be complemented by public realm enhancements, public art installations, creative lighting, and landscaping to create a pedestrian-priority public space with opportunities for outside seating to cafes/restaurants INSERTED:and a street market. |
59 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend policy linkages box for SCAAP policies as follows:
61 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend policy linkages box for DMD and SCAAP policies as follows:
62 |
171 |
Amend final sentence of paragraph 171 as follows: Opportunity exists to enhance pedestrian links to the High Street Policy Area DELETED:centre via Queensway and Chichester Road. |
64 |
Policy PA4.3 |
Amend table as follows:
*Planning Status as of April 2016. NA = New Allocation **Half of site assumed to be delivered during SCAAP plan period (i.e. by 2021) |
64 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend Policy Linkages box for SCAAP policies as follows:
Amend policy PA6.1.b as follows: ensure that all development proposals affecting all designated and non-designated heritage assets, including Conservation Areas, listed and locally listed buildings conserve and enhance these buildings and their settings in line with DELETED:Policy DM5 of the Development Management INSERTED:Policy DM5 (Historic Environment) DELETED:Document ; |
68 |
PA6.3 |
Correct numbering of sub-criteria ‘e’ of Policy PA6.3 as follows: DELETED:e INSERTED:d. public art provision to buildings, public and private spaces. |
69 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend Policy Linkages box for DMD policies as follows:
69 |
183 |
Amend last sentence of paragraph 183 as follows: It contains a fragmented area of office blocks, Southend Travel Centre (the Town Centre public transport interchange), DELETED:public surface level car parking at Tylers Avenue, and residential streets. INSERTED:It also contains an important surface level car park for shoppers and visitors to this part of the town. |
71 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend Policy Linkages box for SCAAP policies as follows:
72 |
Central Seafront Policy Area: Aims |
Add to Aims at end of paragraph 3, as follows: There will be seamless transition between the Central Seafront and the town centre. New and enhanced access points will create a network of routes that lead seamlessly to the estuary and foreshore from surrounding areas. This will increase permeability and encourage better functional links between the different policy areas, increasing footfall and opportunities to contribute towards the local economy. INSERTED:Car parking will be addressed within this integrated approach to development, which combines with other objectives for the policy area, and contributes to the vitality and viability of the central seafront area. |
(2) Minor 48 |
72 |
187 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The Central Seafront Policy Area, as defined on the Policies Map, is a thriving leisure and tourism area INSERTED:and with over 6 million day visitors a year, it is a significant economic asset to the town. The area’s resort function will be maintained and enhanced through a co-ordinated programme of quality development and transport and environmental enhancement schemes. [create new paragraph and update numbering of subsequent paragraphs]: Although the Pier Lift, a landmark building (Policy DS3) has helped to improve access between the Central Seafront Policy Area and Town Centre, if access was more straightforward and more pronounced in other locations such as Opportunity Site CS1.2 Seaways, there may be a better exchange of visitors between the Central Seafront and Town Centre and their functions. Its regeneration and successful integration with the town centre through improved and enhanced pedestrian links amongst other things, will therefore be key to increasing footfall and improving the areas vitality and viability. |
(3) Minor 49 |
73 |
191 |
Amend paragraph as follows: In respect to leisure and tourism the Central Seafront draws in residents and visitors for a range of activities including use of the beach, water sports and other seafront attractions. Adventure Island is a major tourism asset to SouthendDELETED:, but its physical form tends to be inward looking and isolated from its urban context. It also obscures esplanade level views and routes to the sea . If redevelopment and expansion does occur options should be explored with the owners how changes within the site could simultaneously benefit the public realm around it by creating a more permeable boundary and incorporating active frontages to increase footfall around the site edges. |
73 |
195 |
Amend paragraph as follows: SeawaysINSERTED:, currently a surface level car park, presents a major opportunity for mixed-use development, contributing to the leisure and cultural INSERTED:and tourism offer of Southend Central Area through the provision of uses such as restaurants and cinemaINSERTED:, DELETED:as well as possibly a hotel or residential, car parking, public open and green spaces, improved access and connectively through the creation of ‘Spanish Steps’ linking this opportunity site to the promenade of Marine ParadeINSERTED:, as well as possibly a hotel or residential. |
75 |
Policy CS1.3.f |
Amend Policy CS1.3.f as follows, and renumber subsequent criteria: DELETED:f. provision of a more permeable boundary to Adventure Island to provide views in and through the site. |
77 |
199 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The foreshore is designated for InternationalINSERTED:, DELETED:and EuropeanINSERTED:, National and Local sites for nature conservation. Particularly relevant to the Central Seafront Policy Area are Benfleet and Southend Marches (SPA, SSSI, DELETED:and Ramsar site INSERTED:and Local Nature Reserve), which comprises the intertidal part of the Thames Estuary from Benfleet to Shoeburyness and cover the same land area within the SCAAP and wider Southend-on-Sea Borough. |
86 |
Policy PA9.3.i.a |
Amend policy as follows: a. have regard to all residential buildings DELETED:on the opposite side of Sutton Road INSERTED:bordering the Opportunity Site and contribute positively to repairing the street scene and urban grain in this area; |
87 |
Policy Linkages |
Amend Policy Linkages box for SCAAP policies as follows:
109 |
Appendix 6 |
Amend Appendix 6 as follows:
111 |
Appendix 8 |
Amend paragraphs 3 and 4 as follows: In respect to Policy DS1. INSERTED:3 DELETED:4 (a) vacant units could include units occupied for temporary or 'flexible’ uses, permitted through a temporary planning permission or under permitted development rights In relation to Policy DS1. INSERTED:3 DELETED:4. the following details will be used to assess the acceptability, or otherwise, of the information submitted and any marketing undertaken. |
Policies Map |
Amend boundary of protected green space to omit Pier West Café. See Appendix D. |
Appendix D: as Minor 57, amend boundary of protected green space on policies map to omit Pier West Café from this designation.