
Southend Central Area Action Plan

Representation ID: 520

Received: 04/08/2010

Respondent: Cllr Burdett

Representation Summary:

3.28 This will never happen (It is already happening!). Why does SBC need Renaissance? It is reinveting itself every day!

Full text:

The language of the document is not always clear. It is a document comprising many strategies and Acronyms that can be off putting to the lay reader.
Local transport plan and Regional transport strategy
Central area masterplan
Core Strategy
Sustainable community strategy
Spatial strategy
Strategic transport interchanges
Core strategy policy CP2

Section 1
Good outline.

Section 2
2.6 Impressive.
2.7 Makes no specific mention of access for people with disabilities (and yet could do so).
2.10 I or We back the notion of job creation efforts - much more could be made of the river thames in terms our proximity to London - hover service to Kent
2.12 Does not happen in reality. Its intentions are merely a paper exercise
2.13 Is there a difference between "seeking improvement" and "influencing decision making"? Our preference is for SBC to be committed to holding our partners (eg C2C) to account.
2.15 and 2.16 What have we achieved to date?

Section 3
3.1. Sentences are too long
3.4 Recent multi coloured building opposite Sainsburys is a perceived eye saw for some residents. SBC must be careful in this respect. Younger generation like the design.
3.7 to 3.9 Is accurate
3.10 We do not know what Bulky Food outlets mean. If you mean Cash and Carry then we have good outlets already in the town.
3.11 and 3.15 Good words but in reality sme s struggle as no discounts are available to use empty retail and office spaces.
3.12 We agree with
3.13 Rennaissance Southend Limiteds activity is an empty pledge. Will they continue to exist under the new government.
3.14 SBC is desperate for this we need the entrepreneurial spirit of the FE and HE sector.
3.18 to 3.20 is surprisingly sparse! Why?
3.27 How is under provision measured? Why are we conceding such an important aspect if our towns ecology? This section needs clarification and re writing.
3.28 This will never happen (It is already happening!). Why does SBC need Renaissance? It is reinveting itself every day!
3.30 just words especially the last sentence.
3.35 Well written- there is serious intent here.

Section 4
Is good. The two to three large eye sores on the seafront. These include two large arcades on the western side of the Marine parade. The abandoned land owned by Rembrant is on the market for over £2million pounds. Can the council purchase these as investment and turn them into an educational facility (eg school building; library or learning zone).

Section 5
Are based on the authors opinions. Footnotes with objective reference would help to create the feeling of the reading not being led to option 3.

Section 6
I do not like the title City by the Sea. You must be careful not to create a vision that residents do not want. Everyone knows that the portrayal of cities relate to high crime, pollution and overcrowding.

I think a vision more suited to southend is : " Safety and fun by the sea" or " smiles on sea".

If we need inward investment and more local spending good and services must be reasonably priced and high quality. Getting rid of rat infested HMOs like the one of the corner of Pleasant Road and Marine Parade would be a start.

6.5 . - iii. As Kursaal ward councillor I am deeply offended by the narrative: Kursaal estate and its environs. The author needs to re word with the correct title. Gateway neighbourhoods have the most socially and economically deprived communities. They should form the corner stone of any economic re vitalisation in my opinion.

6.10 I disagree entirely with this sorry. Why does overcrowding make sense? If I am wrong re word "Southends Heart" to Southend as a whole.

I don't agree with quarters and circuits.

6.13 to 6.16 is very good.

Section 7, 8 and 9

Substantial proposals. Well written and much needed.

Section 8
There also needs to be better lighting along the high street as people do not feel safe, especially by Farringdon's car park. There are lots of spaces with no lighting.
The offices opposite the university are completely empty this is making the rejuvenated area by the university look run down.
High street is so much cleaner and neater than it used to be and there is a strong presence of police in the high street