New Local Plan
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New Local Plan
4.2 Promote further hotel and tourist accommodation. Should this continue to be directed to areas in the town centre, seafront and airport or should other areas be promoted
Representation ID: 4122
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
Promotion of hotel and tourist accommodation should be Borough wide as there are places developing via such tools as Airbnb, however there is a need for a hotel in Leigh.
New Local Plan
4.3 Promote the second phase of City Beach and enhanced public realm areas. Should priority for City Beach be given to the areas east of the Pier adjacent the Kursaal or west of the Pier
Representation ID: 4123
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
There should not be a second phase City Beach west of the pier. There should be no further building on the foreshore. In Leigh Town Council’s opinion, unless the Borough formulates a strategy for park and ride or a train partnership with land trains/trams for connectivity, further development in the areas you suggest will just frustrate the already to capacity traffic and parking infrastructure.
New Local Plan
4.4 Improve accessibility to the central seafront areas for all users. How best do you think this could be achieved
Representation ID: 4124
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
The Council’s comments in the previous point with regard to park & ride or a train partnership applies. Additionally, the lift access at the Pier needs improving as then Town Centre parking will be move accessible for the seafront. There needs to be provision of a good seasonal open top bus service along the seafront from strategic areas. A seafront bus service which is ‘hop on/hop off’ style would be advantageous all year round.
New Local Plan
4.5 Seek further enhanced links between the central seafront and town centre to improve services and facilities. How best do you think this could be achieved
Representation ID: 4125
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
Leigh Town Council believe rail links are key with connectivity in the Borough, supported by a facility e.g. land trains for onward transportation to seafront and key areas.
New Local Plan
4.6 Continue to safeguard Key Visitor Car Parking in line with the provisions of the Southend Central Area Action Plan
Representation ID: 4126
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
There should be car parking in areas other than central Southend. There are other tourist destinations other than Central Southend that face extreme parking challenges. This links in with looking at all areas with coastal access as a complete tourism destination re the points Leigh Town Council have already made at 4.3 and 4.5. with regard to connectivity.
New Local Plan
4.7 Do you have any other issues/comments you would like to raise
Representation ID: 4127
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
In Leigh Town Council’s opinion, the Borough Council have got to change/improve the infrastructure as it is key to think outside the box to avoid the congestion that visitors and residents can not avoid in Seasonal times Borough wide. The Pier and the Kursal are iconic buildings in Southend and need to be used effectively and could be enhanced so much more.
New Local Plan
Representation ID: 4128
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
Section 5 – How best can we ensure that our town centres are successful, vibrant and attractive places in the face of changing retail demands?
Retail is changing significantly and the days of large department stores are pretty much over. Southend needs to recognise that areas like Leigh are now a dominant force in terms of sustainability as they are more trend based and adaptable. Therefore, other district centres could follow suit and become niche visitor attractions and community hubs which are all linked by the retail network and could be easily connected to central Southend.
New Local Plan
5.2 Review the role and function of Southend town centre to provide for a more flexible approach to development schemes? For example:
Representation ID: 4129
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
a) Yes
b) Yes, but not exclusive zones. There should be a mixture in all areas and specifically ideas to break up the centre Southend High Street Scene e.g. covered parts, street cafe scene. The areas running down the middle of the High Street could be better utilised e.g. market, outdoor eatery areas.
New Local Plan
5.3 Do you think the current town centre boundary (see SCAAP) should be amended Should we allow more residential uses on the periphery
Representation ID: 4130
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
Yes, should bring in more residential areas within the boundary and have social housing within the community that serves it.
New Local Plan
5.4 Do you think the Westcliif and Leigh shopping centres should continue in their current formats or do you think there should be changes
Representation ID: 4131
Received: 22/03/2019
Respondent: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council
The Leigh shopping centre are in the Local Plan should be expanded to include Leigh Road. There should be a major regeneration of Hamlet Court Road and London Road areas.