Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

Ended on the 9 August 2010
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Section 5: The Seafront

Southend-on-Sea has access to a major natural asset of national and international importance, the River Thames. The River Thames Estuary is a key shipping route and is a main feature of the low lying landscape, where marshes and mud flats constitute a significant wildlife habitat and ecological resource. The regeneration of the Southend-on-Sea Seafront is a key objective of the Council and forms part of wider initiatives for the Thames Gateway (the Government's national priority for regeneration and a growth area set out in East of England Plan). The main functions of the estuary around Southend-on-Sea may be categorised as follows:

  • A visual amenity of changing seascape;
  • A recreational, leisure and tourism facility;
  • An open space and ecological resource;
  • A backdrop for development;
  • A water-based transport artery; and
  • Drainage.

Issue DM7 – Flood Risk and Water Management

Due to the economic and social importance of the Seafront and its built-up nature along its length, it is considered that the main issue is one of maintaining the structural integrity of the sea defences. This could be done in ways that significantly enhances leisure and tourist facilities to reflect the particular nature and role within the different proposed Character Zones. An example of this is the major beach replenishment east of the Pier (Jubilee Beach) which not only addressed environmental issues related to improving the sea defences but also had social and economic regeneration benefits.

Government policy emphasises the need for flood risk to influence the location of development and for development plans to follow a ‘sequential test’ in relation to the level of flood risk, directing development away from areas at risk of flooding. A Thames Gateway South Essex SFRA has been published which provides accurate maps of local flood risk. A more specific Southend-on-Sea SFRA which includes a Water Cycle Strategy has also been commissioned and Level 1 is scheduled for completion in the summer 2010. In addition, the Environment Agency is currently working on The Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100) Project, an initiative to develop a Flood Risk Management Plan for London and the Thames Estuary for the next 100 years.

Southend-on-Sea’s Seafront already has areas which are highly developed. Key Policy KP1 ‘Spatial Strategy’ in the Core Strategy DPD identifies the Seafront as a focus of regeneration and growth and emphasises the need to regenerate the Seafront’s role as a successful leisure and tourist attraction and place to live. Policy SS9 ‘The Coast’ in the East of England Plan (RSS14) requires an integrated approach towards the management of coastal areas in order to achieve both economic and social regeneration as well as conservation of the coastal environment especially the character, waters and historical environments.

Future local flood risk management policies will need to be set within the context of national, regional and sub-regional flood risk management strategies and plans and be informed by an up-to-date Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA). The following plans and policies are of particular importance:

  • Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100) Flood Risk Management
    • Action Zone 8 – Leigh on Sea and Southend on Sea
    • Action Zone 6 – Lower Thames Marshes
  • South Essex Catchment Flood Management Plan (CFMP) 2008
    • Policy Unit 2 – Southend on Sea and Rayleigh
    • Policy Unit 12 – Thames Urban, Tidal

In the urban stretch of the Southend seafront the overall approach of both these plans is to take further action to sustain the current level of flood risk into the future responding to potential increase in risk form urban development, land use change and climate change. In addition, any new development should be in line with Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan and have regard to future flood management so that it does not increase the need for new sea defences, as well as enabling the protection of important environmental assets. It recognises that sustainable tourism development can create opportunities to boost local economies, enhance natural and built environments, contribute to the social well being of an area, and encourage growth in other employment areas.

Within Southend-on-Sea, the Environment Agency’s current indicative floodplain maps identify a number of areas in the borough to be ‘at risk’, mainly from tidal flooding. However, these maps do not take account of existing flood defences, which in Southend-on-Sea have been regularly and systematically improved to meet predicted levels of risk. The level of actual risk and the areas actually remaining at risk are therefore likely to be much lower than is indicated by these maps, subject to the structural integrity of the defences being maintained. The Thames Gateway South Essex SFRA provides more detailed and up-to-date information on actual levels and locations of flood risk in Southend-on-Sea. It indicates that flood defences within and adjacent to Southend-on-Sea are mainly in good overall condition. This information will be superseded by the Southend-on-Sea SFRA when completed in 2010.

The overall intent of the Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan for Southend-on-Sea is to sustain and support the viability of the Seafront related tourism and commercial activities and protect the communities that reside along it. The Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan policy for Southend-on-Sea is compatible with the policy proposed by the Thames Estuary 2100 Strategy. This means a continuation of the current management approach that seeks to hold the current alignment where there are defences. Although the defences are under pressure, holding the line is necessary to sustain the Seafront which is essential to the viability of Southend-on-Sea as a seaside resort. All dwellings and infrastructure would remain protected. The footpaths on top of the existing sea banks will also be maintained. Heritage assets and landscape will remain protected and largely unchanged.

This Shoreline Management Plan requires that where a risk of flooding remains all development proposals would need to be accompanied by a detailed flood risk assessment appropriate to the scale and nature of the development and the risk. Development will only be permitted where that assessment clearly demonstrates that it is appropriate in terms of type, siting and the mitigation measures proposed, including where necessary enhancement of flood defences and/or effective sustainable drainage measures.

In addition it is considered that restrictions in respect to flooding issues that impact upon future development or redevelopment in the built-up area would be inappropriate given the importance of the Seafront for tourism, leisure, recreation, and residential purposes. However, it is acknowledged that any development proposals within areas flood of risk will require a detailed flood risk assessment, appropriate mitigation measures, and agreement with the Environment Agency. These principles are already set out in the Core Strategy, DPD Key Policy 1 ‘Spatial Strategy’, and Key Policy KP2 ‘Development Principles, to which all development in the borough must comply with. Other restrictions will also be applied as set out in the Design and Townscape Guide SPD.

Flood Risk and Water Management – Suggested Option

Our approach is:
The Council will seek to ensure that residents, visitors, businesses and properties are safe from flooding along the Seafront, and that the community can benefit from its close relationship with the Thames.

We consider that this can be achieved by:
1. Taking further action to sustain the current level of flood risk into the future and responding to potential increase in risk form urban development, land use change and climate change.

2. Ensuring that development proposals in Flood Risk Zones 2/3 and within the Seafront area address the following matters through a flood risk assessment:

  1. An emergency plan must be in place for the location in which the development is proposed.
  2. The development must incorporate flood resistant or resilient design that provides safe refuge to occupants in the event of a flood and is easily restored after the event.
  3. Proposals must not prevent or restrict the future maintenance and improvement of flood defences.

3. Ensuring that appropriate sea defence and engineering solutions are incorporated into development proposals including appropriate and sustainable flood risk management measures provided as part of the South Suffolk and Essex Shoreline Management Strategy.

Flood Risk and Water Management – Alternative Options

1. To rely on the sequential test and exception test, as set out in PPS25.

The Southend-on-Sea Seafront is of regional importance for recreational and tourism uses with attractions including the beach, pier and aquarium. The Seafront area is an important economic and tourism regeneration area within Southend-on-Sea the principles of which has been established through the examination of the adopted Core Strategy. The areas beyond the Seafront do not have the same economic and regeneration function and must be considered separately in respect to flooding issues. National and regional policy towards flood defence in the borough is to take further action to sustain the current level of flood risk into the future. To restrict any development on the basis that there may be more suitable sites in other parts of the borough would not therefore be appropriate.

Development Plan Policy Linkage

The East of England Plan (2008) Policy ENV7: Quality in the Built Environment
Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy (2008) Strategic Objective 12
Policy KP2: Development Principles

Relevant Southend-on-Sea Borough Local Plan Saved Policies


Issue DM7 Questions

(7)29. Do you agree with the suggested option?
(1)30. Do you consider the alternative options to be more appropriate? If so, please state why.
(2)31. Should there be a specific policy that encourages ways to use the sea defences in a positive and imaginative way to bring about social and economic benefits?
(2)32. Are there any other flood risk issues that the Council should consider?

Issue DM8 – Seafront Public Realm and Open Space

The Seafront is a visually important part of Southend-on-Sea’s character and is the main draw for visitor and tourist attraction. The Council seeks to maximise any opportunities to utilise the potential of the River Thames, to enhance the quality of the riverside environment, to improve the standard of design and to ensure that the best use is made of such a unique environment for the benefit of residents, visitors and the business community. In seeking to improve the leisure and tourism offer of the area it will be critical to safeguard, conserve and enhance significant biodiversity, green space and other environmental resources of the area, particularly ensuring European and international sites for nature conservation on the extensive foreshore are not adversely affected. Significant improvement to the Seafront’s public realm is critical to changing the offer and perception of Southend-on-Sea as a cultural and tourist destination and ‘the place to be’ within the Thames Gateway. It is considered that as a result of the unique setting of the Seafront and regeneration objectives, a specific public realm and open space policy is necessary to address the specific issues.

The River Thames Estuary coastline and associated setting already has a distinctive character, sense of place and activities along the Southend-on-Sea Seafront.

There is potential to create an attractive corridor, linked to the Seafront Character Zones identified in DM8, for pedestrians, cyclists, joggers, skaters, etc. with a series of smaller spaces and squares providing nodal points for activities either commercial or leisure, which would provide focus, identity and a unique place for residents and visitors to enjoy. Such an approach could link local parks and gardens both at the Seafront and adjacent to the north (such as Southchurch Park) and would be a key element of the ‘Green Grid’ within Southend-on-Sea. This will be a key element of a wider ‘Green Grid Strategy’ both within the Seafront / central area and across the borough as a whole. This strategy will seek to:

  • Provide a basis for linked functional green space, easily accessible by way-signed attractive walking and cycling routes;
  • Conserve significant biodiversity assets;
  • Provide adequate accessible natural green space to relieve recreational pressure on ecological sensitive sites;
  • Contributes to the aesthetic qualities and character of the local environment; and
  • Contributes to environmental quality of the local area – air quality, water quality, local climate etc.

Interspersed at regular distances, street furniture and public art could be included to demarcate both areas of different character and the actual distances between points. This would not only allow for easy navigation and provide a mark for a range of leisure activities but may also reinforce Southend-on-Sea’s Seafront as a high quality environment.

High quality design standards have recently been incorporated within the adopted Design and Townscape Guide SPD to ensure that the same high standard of design and attention to the environment is taken on board across the whole borough.

Seafront Public Realm and Open Space – Suggested Option

Our approach is:
To ensure that Southend-on-Sea’s Seafront retains and enhances its special charm and maintains the high quality environment for its residents, businesses and visitors. The public realm and open space approach along the Seafront will be driven by the following principles:

  • The importance of high quality public realm;§ The need for a broader range of activities and experiences for all sectors of the community;
  • The inclusion of a network of high quality activity spaces connected through a ‘Green Corridor’ along the Esplanade to include distinctive street furniture, lighting and illumination and public art;
  • Provide a network of attractive, high quality activity spaces and more passive green spaces linked to a wider green grid network in the borough;
  • The creation of distinctive characters for each Seafront Character Zone both when experienced on land and from the sea; and
  • Conserve significant biodiversity assets.
We consider that this can be achieved by:
1. Ensuring that developments incorporate creative and distinctive soft landscaping and planting, high quality street furnishing, lighting, materials and hard surfacing that reflects the distinctive characters of each Seafront Character Zone and contributes to local environmental quality.

2. Ensuring that site specific design briefs and design codes are prepared for all major development sites along the Seafront.

3. Ensuring that all public realm works consider the requirements of protecting and where appropriate improving sea defences.

4. Ensuring that existing buildings on the Seafront, where they are identified as forming a cohesive frontage, have a historic context or are known as key landmarks and/or contribute to a distinctive Southend-on-Sea sense of place will be retained and protected from any development that would adversely affect their character, appearance, setting and the importance of the Seafront.

5. Ensuring that development along the Seafront does not impact upon the Thames Estuary’s openness or detrimentally impact upon views and backdrops of the River Thames and Southend-on-Sea’s beaches.

6. Encouraging enhancements to Cliff Gardens.

7. Encouraging enhancements to leisure and recreation facilities and opportunities, appropriate to the Seafront Character Zones.

8. Enhancing the promenade to improve the accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists along the Seafront including the creation a more attractive and co-ordinated public space.

9. Requiring developments along the Seafront to incorporate or contribute towards public art within this area.

10. Ensure that the seafront public areas are fully integrated within a wider green grid strategy by ensuring there are well marked, high quality pedestrian and cycling linkages within the Seafront and across the borough.

11. Ensuring that all development will respect the biodiversity and natural environment. Development along the Seafront will be designed to incorporate measures which will limit any adverse impacts on the coastal and marine environment and valuable natural amenity areas of International, European, national and local designations.

Seafront Public Realm and Open Space – Alternative Options

1. To not have a Seafront Design Policy and rely on general design policies.

The River Thames and the Seafront makes an important positive impact upon the residents of Southend-on-Sea in way they live their lives and also has a significant influence on the structure and success of the local economy. As such it is considered that the high quality environment of this area is of utmost importance and needs to be protected and where development occurs it must enhance the Seafront. It is therefore considered that a separate seafront design policy is essential to achieve this.

Development Plan Policy Linkage

The East of England Plan (2008) Policy ENV7: Quality in the Built Environment
Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy (2008) Strategic Objective 4
Strategic Objective 12
Strategic Objective 14
Policy KP1: Spatial Strategy
Policy KP2: Development Principles Policy
Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Relevant Southend-on-Sea Borough Local Plan Saved Policies

Policy G7: Coastal Protection
Policy C12: Undercliff Gardens
Policy C14: Trees, Planted Areas and Landscaping
Policy C15: Retention of Open Spaces
Policy C16: Foreshore Views
Policy R1: Outdoor Sports Facilities
Policy T8: Traffic Management and Highway Safety

Issue DM8: Questions

(13)33. Do you agree with the suggested option?
(3)34. Do you consider the alternative option to be more appropriate? If so, please state why.
(6)35. Are there any other design considerations that the Council should consider when assessing schemes along the Seafront?
(2)36. Should the Council enforce an Article 4 Direction over the Seafront area to restrict permitted development?

Issue DM9 – Seafront Character Zones

Along the Seafront there are several distinctive character areas and each has a different form and function. Within the Seafront Area, the nature of built environment varies within each of the proposed Seafront Character Zones and it is not appropriate to apply a blanket approach to the whole seafront. Instead it is considered more appropriate to consider the character areas according to their existing and proposed function.

Southend-on-Sea has approximately 7-miles of seafront. The Seafront has three Blue Flags and seven Quality Coast Awards and provides one of the cleanest stretches of seaside in the UK. The 7-mile stretch of seafront has several different character zones with distinctive characteristics, issues and opportunities. The management of the Seafront will encounter a number of significant challenges and development pressures over the coming years. Whilst there may be several challenges, there are also many opportunities in which to improve the quality of the character zones for the enjoyment of residents, businesses and visitors.

The character zones were identified as part of the Seafront DPD Issues and Options consultation in 2007. Some of the boundaries may have changed since this consultation however the broad zones remain the same. These are broad areas that attracted a good level of support during the Issues and Options consultation. The ‘Southend-on-Sea Borough Wide Character Study’ which has been commissioned by the Council and is scheduled for completion in 2010 will provide further analysis of the character areas of the Seafront and will together with this Issues and Options consultation inform the later stages of the production of this DPD.

Seafront Character Zones – Suggested Option

Our approach is:
To reinforce and enhance the appearance and function of identified character zones along the Seafront (see Table 1), having regard to: appropriate design solutions; engineering for sea defences; safeguarding significant biodiversity assets on the foreshore; and land instability.

We consider that this can be achieved by:
1. Only allowing development that can demonstrate that it positively contributes to the proposed outcomes identified in Table 1.

2. Developing design codes for each Seafront Character Zone.

Table 1 Seafront Character Zones

Seafront Character Zones Existing Function Long-Term Outcome
Two Tree Island, Leigh Marshes and Belton Hills Recreational including; marine activities; football pitches; golf driving range; passive recreation associated with Hadleigh Castle Country Park; nature reserve and extensive gardens and park land at Belton Hills; MUGA; skate park; recycling centre; and car park and train station. To maintain and improve recreational facilities within the character area and provide appropriate additional recreational facilities that supports the needs of local residents and enhances the attractiveness of the offer for visitors. The priority is to maintain the openness and function of the Green Belt in this area. To retain character and building height along Marine Parade.
Leigh Port and Old Town Active working port comprising: commercial fishing, storage and processing facilities; and boat building. In addition the area has a mixed function that also includes: residential; leisure and tourism facilities such as cafes, pubs and restaurants and heritage and cultural facilities. There are also opportunities for passive recreation. To maintain a thriving fisheries and working port. This is achieved by resisting the loss of existing marine industrial activities. To enhance the leisure and tourism in a manner that does not compromise the marine industrial activities and character of Leigh Old Town.Measures that maintain and improve the balance between the working port and leisure and tourism activities will be supported.
The Cinder Path (Old Leigh to Chalkwell Station including Marine and Grand Parade and Undercliff Gardens) The railway track spans the length of the sea frontage with residential and parkland on the higher ground that rises from the railway line. Foreshore used for: boat storage; slipways; permanently moored ‘Essex Yacht Club’ vessel; shelters; and open-air paddling pool. Distinctive foot bridge connects foreshore with Cliff Parade. To continue to protect and enhance the open character and undeveloped, green space, frontage and estuary views from Grand, Cliff Parade and Cliff Gardens. Development will only be acceptable where it will improve the design quality of Undercliff Gardens, Grand Parade, Cliff Parade and Cliff Gardens and where it retains the characteristics and form of the area. Development that materially changes the existing character, appearance and form of the area will be resisted. To improve the public realm linked to the Sustrans route and improvements to the distinctive foot bridge to create a public space.
Chalkwell Esplanade to Palmerston Road Water based recreation such as windsurfing and beach based recreation. There are a small number of ancillary convenience facilities such as cafes and kiosks.The Zone contains ornamental landscaped areas and promenade with open aspect to foreshore.The sea frontage has a Victorian residential character that has in places been punctured by recent incongruous flatted developments. To maintain and enhance the open aspect of the foreshore and beaches, promenade and landscaped areas. To replenish the beaches as the need arises and maintain the integrity of the sea defences. To improve the quality the beach huts at the western end of the zone. Additional beach huts elsewhere within this Zone will be resisted. To resist inappropriate development fronting the Seafront. The historical seafront architectural style and form that defines this character zone and its relationship with the River Thames will be preserved. Flatted developments along the Seafront will be resisted. The existing building height of the residential houses will be maintained. Development will only be allowed where it enhances the existing character of the area. To develop a quality promenade that incorporates the Sustrans cycle route and encourages activity and increased enjoyment of the Seafront.
Palmerston Road to San Remo Parade Increased commercial activity with a number of food and drink establishments including the Archway Cafes. There are a number of ancillary convenience facilities. Water based recreation and passive recreation. The Zone contains ornamental landscaped areas and promenade with open aspect to foreshore.Residential area above the cliffs on the higher ground. To maintain and promote the commercial activities within this character zone. To replenish the beaches as the need arises and maintain the integrity of the sea defences. To resist inappropriate development fronting the Seafront and ensure that development does not erode this areas existing architectural style and form. Development will only be allowed where it enhances the existing character of the area.
Victoria Road to Walton Road Small-scale fine grain built environment that has a mixed function that comprises: commercial premises; restaurants; hotels and flatted development. Water based activities along the foreshore such as: sailing, boat storage and associated slipways; and windsurfing. Several tourism related activities including the Marine Activities Centre. To encourage enhancements that promotes this location as a tourist and leisure destination and as a place to live. Shelters and cafes will be improved. Refurbishment and renewal works will not impact on the foreshore views and will not encroach onto the foreshore. To protect the existing architectural character and mix of uses. Development will be resisted where it increases the height of the existing roofline.
Walton Road to Maplin Way Leisure based function including tennis club and continuation of cycle route along seafront. Water based leisure includes sailing with its associated slipways and boat storage facilities. Large residential dwellings within large plots set back from the road. Beach huts dominate the frontage. Maintain existing established built character and activities based around open parks and beach recreation.Measures to improve the quality of the beach huts will be supported.Green grid will be enhanced through improvements to the parks and gardens. No major development will be promoted or supported in this zone. Flatted developments along the Seafront will be resisted. Development that does take place must respect the open nature of the public and private open space and the grain and character of the residential area.

Seafront Character Zones – Alternative Options

1. To consider development within the Seafront Character Zones on site-by-site basis having regard to other development plan policies.

The Seafront Character Zones each have a different function but collectively combine to provide an overall seafront character for Southend-on-Sea. It is considered prudent to manage each character zone to ensure that its basic function is not detrimentally impacted upon by new development that could have wider implications for the delivery of the objectives within the Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy.

2. To consider alternative Seafront Character Zones

The Seafront Character Zones are based on an assessment by the Council. The Southend-on-Sea Character Study will provide further to inform further consideration of the Seafront Character Zones and their boundaries.

Development Plan Policy Linkage

The East of England Plan (2008) Policy ENV7: Quality in the Built Environment
Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy (2008) Strategic Objective 4
Strategic Objective 12
Strategic Objective 14
Policy KP1: Spatial Strategy
Policy KP2: Development Principles Policy
Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Relevant Southend-on-Sea Borough Local Plan Saved Policies

Policy G7: Coastal Protection
Policy C12: Undercliff Gardens
Policy C14: Trees, Planted Areas and Landscaping
Policy C15: Retention of Open Spaces
Policy C16: Foreshore Views
Policy R1: Outdoor Sports Facilities
Policy T8: Traffic Management and Highway Safety

Issue DM9: Questions

(6)37. Do you agree with the suggested option?
(2)38. Do you consider the alternative options to be more appropriate? If so, please state why.
(1)39. Do you agree that it is appropriate to define Seafront Character Zones to plan for their future?
(5)40. Is there another approach to managing the Seafront Character Zones that the Council should consider?

Issue DM10 – Water Recreation

Water recreation in Southend-on-Sea has increased in popularity over recent years and this popularity looks set to continue in coming years as Southend-on-Sea’s profile as a visitor destination increases. It is considered important that proposals for new and improved facilities, including slipways, are provided in appropriate locations where they do not conflict with other beach activities, public accessibility and general enjoyment of the foreshore.

The Seafront is an extensive and important recreational asset for Southend-on-Sea that includes about 7 miles of public beach and promenade.

Traditional beach uses constitute informal recreational uses that require few facilities other than the beach and the sea. The Council will continue to maintain and improve the ancillary facilities such as the existing children's paddling pools and improve the quality and cleanliness of the beaches from time to time with the deposit of additional sand.

In addition to its traditional informal recreational uses, the Seafront supports a wide range of marine activities on the tidal foreshore. Southend-on-Sea's marine setting and its water recreation facilities are an important attraction for visitors.

Most forms of boating are represented in the borough and some are experiencing popularity and pressure for growth. There are nine clubs distributed along the Seafront with the majority providing their member with access to club premises, boat racks or parks, moorings and slipways. The Council also provides facilities for non-club members in way of moorings and slipways. There are currently eight public launching facilities available at Camper Road, East Beach, Two Tree Island, Bell Wharf at Old Leigh, Lifstan Way, Thorpe Hall Avenue, Thorpe Bay Yacht Club and Ness Road. In addition the Southend Marine Activities Centre at Thorpe Bay provides access and nationally recognised training in sailing, canoeing, windsurfing, powerboat driving and jet skiing.

Kite surfing has grown significantly over the last 5 years as a water recreation activity in Southend-on-Sea. The growing popularity of kite surfing has seen Southend-on-Sea becoming recognised as one the best locations in the UK for this sport and the best location in close proximity to London. There are two Council approved kite surfing beaches at Shoeburyness East Beach and at Chalkwell - 'The Ray'.

In addition there are a number of complementary and competing water recreation activities. Waterskiing, speed boats and water scooters are also popular but are restricted in terms of speed within an extensive area offshore. Because of conflict with other water users, bye-laws are enforced to control the increasing use of jet-skis, and to restrict the water areas available to them.

This level of water recreation activity requires careful management to ensure that Southend-on-Sea is recognised as a great location for such activities and that the Seafront does not become overwhelmed by these activities to the detriment of other users.

Water Recreation – Suggested Option

Our approach is:
To support the development of Southend-on-Sea as a water recreation destination without compromising the enjoyment the Seafront for other users.

We consider that this can be achieved by:
1. The provision of new and improved facilities for water recreation, including slipways, will be encouraged in appropriate locations where:(i) They do not reduce significantly the amount of beach available for public use or public accessibility to the foreshore;(ii) Where adequate means of access can be provided; and(iii) They do not restrict views of the foreshore from the promenade, beach or residential properties.

Water Recreation – Alternative Options

1. To consider development within the Seafront Character Zones on a site by site basis.

The recreational use of the water is considered within the Seafront Character Zones however an holistic approach is also necessary when considering facilities such as slipways as a managed approach across the whole seafront area is needed to ensure that no conflict arises with other seafront users.

Development Plan Policy Linkage

The East of England Plan (2008) Policy ENV7: Quality in the Built Environment
Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy (2008) Strategic Objective 8
Strategic Objective 14
Policy KP2: Development Principles Policy
Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Relevant Southend-on-Sea Borough Local Plan Saved Policies

Policy L4: Water Recreation

Issue DM10: Questions

(1)41. Do you agree with the suggested option?
42. Do you consider the alternative options to be more appropriate? If so, please state why.
(5)43. Are there any other issues regarding water recreation activities that you think the Council should consider?
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