Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

Ended on the 9 August 2010
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Appendix 3: East of England Plan: Policies

Core Spatial Strategy

SS1: Achieving Sustainable Development
SS2: Overall Spatial Strategy
SS3: Key Centres for Development and Change
SS5: Priority Areas for Regeneration
SS6: City and Town Centres
SS7: Green Belt
SS8: The Urban Fringe
SS9: The Coast

Economic Development

E1: Job Growth
E2: Provision of Land for Employment
E3: Strategic Employment Locations
E4: Clusters
E5: Regional Structure of Town Centres
E6: Tourism
E7: The Region’s Airports


H1: Regional Housing Provision 2001to 2021
H2: Affordable Housing
H3: Provision for Gypsies and Travellers


C1: Cultural Development

C2: Provision and Location of Strategic Cultural Facilities
Appendix 120 D List of Policies
Regional Transport Strategy

T1: Regional Transport Strategy Objectives and Outcomes
T2: Changing Travel Behaviour
T3: Managing Traffic Demand
T4: Urban Transport
T5: Inter Urban Public Transport
T6: Strategic and Regional Road Networks
T7: Transport in Rural Areas
T8: Local Roads
T9: Walking, Cycling and other Non-Motorised Transport
T10: Freight Movement
T11: Access to Ports
T12: Access to Airports
T13: Public Transport Accessibility
T14: Parking
T15: Transport Investment Priorities


ENV1: Green Infrastructure
ENV2: Landscape Conservation
ENV3: Biodiversity and Earth Heritage
ENV4: Agriculture, Land and Soils
ENV5: Woodlands
ENV6: The Historic Environment
ENV7: Quality in the Built Environment

Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Renewable Energy

ENG1: Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Energy Performance
ENG2: Renewable Energy Targets


WAT1: Water Efficiency
WAT2: Water Infrastructure
WAT3: Integrated Water Management
WAT4: Flood Risk Management


WM1: Waste Management Objectives
WM2: Waste Management Targets
WM3: Imported Waste
WM4: Regional Waste Apportionment
WM5: Planning for Waste Management
WM6: Waste Management in Development
WM7: Provision for Hazardous Waste and other Regionally Significant Facilities
WM8: Actions for Waste Authorities, Waste Companies and other Partners
East of England Plan 121


M1: Land Won Aggregates and Rock

Sub Areas and Key Centres for Development and Change: Essex Thames Gateway

ETG1: Strategy for the Sub-Region
ETG2: Thurrock Key Centre for Development and Change
ETG3: Basildon Key Centre for Development and Change
ETG4: Southend-on-Sea Key Centre for Development and Change
ETG5: Employment Generating Development
ETG6: Transport Infrastructure

Implementation and Delivery, Monitoring and Review

IMP1: Implementing the RSS
IMP2: Monitoring the RSS
IMP3: Review of the RSS

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