Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) - Revised Proposed Submission 2016
(2) Appendices
Appendix 1: Southend Core Strategy Policies
Core Strategy Policy KP1: Spatial Strategy |
Sets out the spatial strategy for the Borough; the primary focus of regeneration and growth will be the Town Centre and Central Area, including the seafront. |
Core Strategy Policy KP2: Development Principles |
Sets out the ways in which new development in the Borough, including transport infrastructure, should contribute to economic, social, physical and environmental regeneration in a sustainable way, and to the regeneration of Southend's primary role within the Thames Gateway as a cultural and intellectual hub and higher education centre of excellence. |
Core Strategy Policy KP3: Implementation and Resources |
Makes provision for the preparation of Area Action Plans and Supplementary Planning Documents to help deliver the provisions of the Core Strategy, ensuring that development of an appropriate scale, mix and quality is brought forward in key areas of opportunity and change including the town centre and seafront. |
Core Strategy Policy CP1: Employment Generating Development |
Makes provision for an additional 6,500 jobs within the Town Centre and Central Area during the plan period 2001-2021. |
Core Strategy Policy CP2: Town Centre and Retail Development |
Promotes the development of the Town Centre, which will remain the first preference for all forms of retail development and other Town Centre uses. The Town Centre is afforded sequential preference for additional comparison and convenience floorspace. |
Core Strategy Policy CP3: Transport and Accessibility |
Seeks improvements to transport infrastructure and services by widening travel choice, and providing for high quality transport interchanges at Southend Victoria, Southend Central and Southend Travel Centre. |
Core Strategy Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance |
Promotes sustainable development of the highest quality and innovation and excellence in design, recognising good quality urban design as a catalyst for regeneration and urban renaissance. |
Core Strategy Policy CP5: Minerals and Soils Resources |
Sets out the standards the Borough Council will require regarding the sustainable use of soil and mineral resources. |
Core Strategy Policy CP6: Community Infrastructure |
Supports improvements to existing, and the provision of new, facilities to support the needs of education, skills and lifelong learning strategies, including the Town Centre's higher education/university campus. Seeks to safeguard existing and provide for new leisure, cultural, recreation and community facilities. |
Core Strategy Policy CP7: Sport, Recreation and Green Space |
Promotes proposals that contribute to sports, recreation and green space facilities within the Borough for the benefit of local residents and visitors. |
Core Strategy Policy CP8: Dwelling Provision |
Makes provision for 2,000 net additional dwelling within the Town Centre and Central Area. |
Appendix 2 Glossary of Abbreviations
AA Appropriate Assessment
AAP Area Action Plan
AMR Annual Monitoring Report
AVL Advanced Vehicle Location
BBABetter Bus Area
BID Business Improvement District
c2c Rail Operator of the London Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness line
CAM Central Area Masterplan
CCGCare Commissioning Group
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association
DCLG Department of Communities & Local Government
DFT Department for Transport
DPD Development Plan Document
EA Environment Agency
ELR Employment Land Review
FRA Flood Risk Assessment
FWMA Floods and Water Management Act 2010
HRAHabitats Regulation Assessment
LDD Local Development Document
LDS Local Development Scheme
LEA Local Economic Assessment
LLFA Lead Local Flood Authority
LPA Local Planning Authority
LSTF Local Sustainable Transport Fund
LTP Local Transport Plan
MSCP Multi Storey Car Park
NHS National Health Service
NPPFNational Planning Policy Framework
OANObjectively Assessed Need
PIP Punctuality Improvement Partnership
PFRA Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
SABSUDS Approval Body
SE LEPSouth East Local Enterprise Partnership
SFRAStrategic Flood Risk Assessment
SHMAStrategic Housing Market Assessment
SWMPSurface Water Management Plan
TGSEThames Gateway South Essex
Appendix 3 - Schedule of Existing Landmarks and Landmark Buildings
Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Local Development Plan
Appendix 4: Flood Risk Management Technical information and Definitions
Flood Risk Definitions:
Flood risk zone 2 – medium risk, 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 200 annual probability
Flood risk zone 3 - high risk, 1 in 200 annual probability or more
Design flood event and flood level – based on 1 in 200 annual probability event at the end of the development's lifetime.
Extreme flood event and flood level – based on 1 in 1,000 annual probability event at the end of the development's life.
As an example, the SFRA2 predicts that within the Central Seafront Area, outside of Adventure Island, by 2110, the design and extreme maximum flood depth are approximately 1 metre and 4 metres. Adventure Island is characterised by 5m maximum flood depths under both scenarios.
Lifetime of development – assumed to be 100 years for residential, 60 years for commercial (unless circumstances indicate otherwise)
Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification
Highly Vulnerable
- Emergency services
- Emergency dispersal points
- Basement dwellings
More Vulnerable
- Hospitals
- Residential institutions such as care homes, children's homes, and hostels
- Buildings used for: dwelling houses; student halls of residence; drinking establishments; nightclubs; and hotels
- Health services, nurseries and educational establishments
Appendix 5: Transport, Access and Public Realm Strategy
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Transport, Access and Public Realm Strategy In order to secure a 'step change' in Southend Central Area to achieve a modern integrated and accessible transport system that unlocks potential in opportunity sites and secures sustainable regeneration and growth, complemented by a quality, inclusive public realm, the Council will:
Appendix 6 – Dwelling Figures for the Central Area - relationship with Core Strategy Requirements
Core Strategy 2001 to 2021 |
Completed April 2001 to March 2016 (net) |
Core Strategy (as adjusted 2016 to 2021) |
Site Allocations (net) to be delivered by 2021* |
Other commitments to be delivered by 2021 |
Total New Dwellings |
Difference from Core Strategy (adjusted 2014 to 2021) |
2,474 |
1,087 |
1,387 |
1,732 |
434 |
2,166 |
+779 |
Local Authority Area excluding SCAAP |
4,026 |
3,694 |
332 |
To be determined |
786 |
786 |
+454 |
All Borough (Total) |
6,500 |
4,781 |
1,719 |
1,732 |
1,220 |
2,952 |
+1233 |
* In relation to the amount of dwellings to be delivered via Opportunity Sites within the SCAAP area by 2021 the following assumptions have been made: - Queensway (PA4.1: half of the site is assumed to be delivered by 2021 - Victoria Avenue (PA8.1): sites with planning permission assumed to be delivered by 2021 - Baxter Avenue (PA8.2): half of the site is assumed to be delivered by 2021 - Sutton Road (PA9.1): sites with planning permission assumed to be delivered by 2021 |
Appendix 7: Replaced Saved Planning Policies[13]
Saved Planning Policies replaced by Southend Central Area Action Plan upon adoption
Policy/ Proposal Ref. |
Policy Subject |
L2 |
Central Seafront Area |
L3 |
Southend Pier |
C7 |
Shop and Commercial Frontages and Fascias |
S5 |
Non-Retail Uses |
S8 |
Improvements to Primary Shopping Frontages |
S9 |
Retention of Secondary Shopping Frontages |
P3a |
Proposal Site: Former Gas Works Site, Eastern Esplanade |
P3b |
Proposal Site: Land at Burnaby Road |
P3d |
Proposal Site: Land West of Baltic Avenue |
P3g |
Proposal Site: Scrap Metal Yard, 215a North Road |
P3j |
Proposal Site: Industrial Uses, Roots Hall Avenue |
P3k |
Proposal Site: Industrial Uses between Roots Hall Avenue and Victoria Avenue |
P4a |
Proposal Site: Baxter Avenue |
P4c |
Proposal Site: Whitegate Road |
P4d |
Proposal Site: Pitmans Close |
P4k |
Proposal Site: Central Station, Clifftown Road |
P5b |
Proposal Site: Warrior Square (South side) and Whitegate Road (North side) |
P5c |
Proposal Site: Tylers Avenue and York Road |
P6c |
Proposal Site: Southchurch Avenue/ Marine Parade |
P9b |
Proposal Site: London Road |
P9c |
Proposal Site: Warrior Square |
P9k |
Proposal Site: Seaway Car Park, Queensway |
Appendix 8: Marketing Evidence
This appendix sets out requirements for applicants to produce evidence to demonstrate that A1 retail premises are no longer in demand, viable or suitable for their continued permanent authorised use.
The Council may seek independent advice, funded by the applicant at a reasonable cost, to test the veracity of any marketing exercise. This verification will assess the accuracy and robustness of the matters listed below.
In respect to Policy DS1.4(a) vacant units could include units occupied for temporary or 'flexible' uses, permitted through a temporary planning permission or under permitted development rights.
PART A - Marketing In relation to Policy DS1.4. the following details will be used to assess the acceptability, or otherwise, of the information submitted and any marketing undertaken. Marketing evidence requires demonstration of an active marketing campaign for a continuous 2 year period, whilst the premises were vacant*, which has shown to be unsuccessful. Marketing must be through a commercial agent at a price that genuinely reflects the market value of the lawful use. It must be shown to the council's satisfaction that marketing has been unsuccessful for all relevant floorspace proposed to be lost through redevelopment or Change of Use. Active marketing should include all of the following:
Sufficient detailed information is required to be submitted alongside any planning application to demonstrate compliance with the above criteria. Additionally, information should be submitted regarding:
* - vacant units could include units occupied for 'meanwhile uses' or temporary uses, permitted through a temporary planning permission or under permitted development rights. |
[13] Saved planning policies were effective from 27th September 2007 - Direction under paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 9 to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.